「instc608 めいめい」の動画
「instc608 めいめい」の紹介文
めいめい。大型グループアイドルから卒業後、趣味のコスプレでバラエティ番組などで注目を浴び今では人気レイヤーとタレントの二刀流。人気急増中。アイドル卒業後、クオリティの高いコスプレで注目を浴び、雑誌や地上波でも活躍。SNSでも人気急上昇中の めいめい。今日もファンや芸能人、スポーツ選手からDMがたくさん来ている中、カメラが趣味のファンから個撮のお誘いが。お小遣いも良いし、何よりその男が撮ったというコスプレイヤーやアイドルの写真がとても綺麗で絶妙にエロい。普段は絶対に誘いにはのらないが今回はコスプレだし、ファンにバレないかもと個人撮影をOKすることに。。。
Meimei. After graduating from a large group idol, he attracted attention on variety shows with his hobby of cosplay, and now he is a popular layer and a talent. Popularity is growing rapidly. After graduating from Idol, she attracted attention for her high-quality cosplay, and was active in magazines and terrestrial television. Meimei is also rapidly rising in popularity on SNS. Even today, I received many DMs from fans, celebrities, and athletes, and I received an invitation to take individual photos from fans who like cameras. The pocket money is good, and above all, the photos of cosplayers and idols taken by the man are very beautiful and exquisitely erotic. Normally, I would never take an invitation, but this time it was cosplay, so I decided to take a personal photo so that the fans might not find out.