「sone00622 若き囮捜査官、媚薬漬け痴●に完全敗北。 明日葉みつは」の動画

「sone00622 若き囮捜査官、媚薬漬け痴●に完全敗北。 明日葉みつは」の紹介文
In order to grab the tail of an anonymous and fluid crime group, Mitsuha Asuba, an investigator who intends to arrest the group of idiots, is forced out of her position due to a mistaken arrest. Even so, out of a sense of justice, he faces the decoy investigation alone, but everything was a trap … After failing the decoy investigation, Mitsuha is struck with a muscle relaxant and is unable to move. Even so, he continues to have a strong and noble heart that does not succumb, but he wears out without noticing it before Ryo ● Ring ● who cuts down the spirit and body of the bastards full of guesses. A body that falls against the desire to succeed and lose. When a woman who was supposed to give in fell, an unimaginable eros was released. Rupture and rupture.
「sone00622 若き囮捜査官、媚薬漬け痴●に完全敗北。 明日葉みつは」の動画をFANZAで購入する
「sone00622 若き囮捜査官、媚薬漬け痴●に完全敗北。 明日葉みつは」の動画情報
品番 | sone00622 |
タイトル | 若き囮捜査官、媚薬漬け痴●に完全敗北。 明日葉みつは |
レーベル | S1 NO.1 STYLE |
配信開始日 | 2025/03/07 |
収録時間 | 129分 |
動画を購入する ※販売元のサイトに移動します。 | FANZA |