「1tldsp00002 『インキュバスsecond』前編~美形すぎる兄弟と巨根すぎる従弟~淫魔に奪われ蕩ける夜 沙月恵奈」の動画
「1tldsp00002 『インキュバスsecond』前編~美形すぎる兄弟と巨根すぎる従弟~淫魔に奪われ蕩ける夜 沙月恵奈」の紹介文
驚異の大ヒット!!エロティックファンタジー待望の続編!ついに登場です!今回もまたもや貴女の子宮をウズかせます!人気男優の矢野慎二&松本ケンがインキュバス兄弟に化身、ターゲットの女性(沙月恵奈)を巡って「どっちが上手に早くイカセられるか」を勝手に競い始める。まさかの女性目線の主観映像で、インキュバス兄弟にガチでイカされる感覚に襲われる!耳元で囁くASMR的な言葉責めに悶え震えてください。今作では新キャラ・フォルテ役にフランクフルト林が登場。優しく微笑みを受けながらデカチンで激しくバンバン突き上げられる興奮を味わいください。《あらすじ》遠距離恋愛中の彼氏と付き合い中のモテモテ女学生えな。しかし、遠距離で会えない虚しさが次第に積もり、貴重な学生生活を 1 人で過ごす日々に不満を持ち始めていた。そんな不満や鬱憤を晴らそうと合コンや出会い系に手を出すが、彼氏の事を思って一線は超えれないというジレンマに苛立ち始めていたある日、不思議な夢を見たのだった。それは、まるでこの世の者とは思えない容姿をした、けれども驚くほどに美しくて吸い込まれてしまいそうな、そんな異形のイケメンの兄弟に誘われる夢…。2 人はこちらを見下ろして笑みを浮かべていた。 《キャスト》【テノン】(矢野慎二)インキュバス兄弟の兄。落ち着いた丁寧な口調のドスケベイケメン淫魔。クールな雰囲気だが実はドS。【アルト】(マツケンこと松本ケン)インキュバス兄弟の弟。兄とは反して、乱暴で子供っぽいが背の高いイケメン淫魔。夢中になり過ぎると、ちょっと乱暴になってしまう面も。【フォルテ】(フランクフルト林)テノンとアルトのイトコ。兄弟よりも圧倒的デカチン力を持つイケメン淫魔。美味しそうな人間を目の前にすると、どうしようもなく勃起してしまい、イカセたくて我慢できなくなってしまう。【えな】(沙月恵奈)明るく能天気に生きる女子大生。大学で知り合った彼氏はワーホリ中で遠距離恋愛を余儀なくされている。別に彼氏いなくてもモテモテなので、合コンやマッチング系に浮気しちゃおうかな~、と考える事もあるが、何とか一線超えずに踏みとどまっている____。そして後編へ続きます!
An amazing big hit! The long-awaited sequel to erotic fantasy! It’s finally here! – This time too, I will make you sick of the noble girl palace again! Popular actors Shinji Yano & Ken Matsumoto incarnate as the Incubus Brothers and begin to compete for the target woman (Ena Satsuki) to see who can make her faster. – In a subjective video from a woman’s point of view, you will be attacked by the feeling of being squid by the Incubus brothers! – Please tremble in agony at the ASMR-like word blame whispered in your ear. In this work, Frankfurt Hayashi appears in the role of the new character Forte. – Please enjoy the excitement of being violently thrust up with a big dick while receiving a gentle smile. 《Synopsis》Ena, a popular female student who is dating her boyfriend who is in a long-distance relationship. However, the emptiness of not being able to see each other at a long distance gradually accumulated, and she began to be dissatisfied with the days she spent her precious student life alone. – One day, when she was starting to get frustrated with the dilemma of not being able to cross the line thinking about her boyfriend, she had a strange dream. – It is a dream that you are invited by such a strange handsome brother who looks like he is out of this world, but is surprisingly beautiful and seems to be sucked in. The two of them looked down at him and smiled. “Cast” [Tenon] (Shinji Yano) The older brother of the Incubus brothers. A lewd handsome nymphomaniac with a calm and polite tone. It’s a cool atmosphere, but it’s actually de S. [Alto] Ken Matsumoto (aka Matsuken) is the younger brother of the Incubus brothers. Contrary to his brother, he is a rough and childish but tall handsome nymphomaniac. If you get too carried away, you can get a little violent. [Forte] (Frankfurt forest) Tenon and Alto Itoko. A handsome nymphomaniac with overwhelming decacock power than his brother. – When I see a delicious human in front of me, I can’t help but get an erection, and I can’t stand it because I want to. [Ena] (Ena Satsuki) A female college student who lives in bright and Noh weather. My boyfriend, whom I met at university, is forced into a long-distance relationship during a working holiday. Even if I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m popular, so I sometimes think that I’ll have an affair with a joint party or a matching system ~, but I’m somehow staying without crossing the line ____. And to be continued in the second part!
「1tldsp00002 『インキュバスsecond』前編~美形すぎる兄弟と巨根すぎる従弟~淫魔に奪われ蕩ける夜 沙月恵奈」の動画をFANZAで購入する