「2dfdm00053 両想いの担任と…今日は朝まですごします。 朝比ゆの」の動画
「2dfdm00053 両想いの担任と…今日は朝まですごします。 朝比ゆの」の紹介文
妻がいるのに…教師は生徒の真っすぐな誘惑に抗えない。今日は待ちに待った月に1日だけの大好きな先生と一緒に過ごせる日。奥さんがいたって、見た目も中身もキモくたって、加齢臭がすごくたって好きなんだから関係ない。先生はオジサンでも可愛いし、大人の玩具の使い方も上手だし、カラダの相性もバッチリなの。先生のなら体液だって精子だってなーんでも飲めちゃうし、フェラだってずーっとできるし、エッチを何回シテも飽きないんだよね。先生も奥さんとは全然シテないのにワタシとは何回でもできちゃうんだって! お泊りだし明日の朝まで何回できるかな? 笑
Even though I have a wife … Teachers can’t resist the direct temptation of their students. Today is the day I can spend with my favorite teacher, which I have been waiting for for only one day a month. It doesn’t matter because my wife likes the disgusting look and the content, and the smell of aging. The teacher is cute even though he is an old man, he is good at using adult toys, and his body is perfectly compatible. If you’re a teacher, you can drink bodily fluids and sperm, you can give a all the time, and you don’t get tired of having sex over and over again. – The teacher doesn’t have a crush on his wife at all, but he can do it with me as many times as he wants! How many times can you stay overnight until tomorrow morning? smile
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