「1drpt00080 (有)問題児しつけ合宿センター 松井日奈子」の動画

「1drpt00080 (有)問題児しつけ合宿センター 松井日奈子」の紹介文
There are many children with various problems in modern society, such as withdrawal, delinquency, and late-night wandering. If you leave it at our training camp, you will learn a regular lifestyle in nature without a TV or smartphone, and any child will learn to be polite and considerate. In order to become a proper person, contact between the mind and body is essential! Sometimes we need a love whip! If you bump into each other naked, any child will open up to you! Girls get a half-price discount!
「1drpt00080 (有)問題児しつけ合宿センター 松井日奈子」の動画をFANZAで購入する